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How Chiropractic Adjustments and Massage Go Together

Written By Eastlake Chiropractic and Massage Center on September 10, 2021

Chiropractic and Massage Eastlake Chiropractic and Massage Center

At Eastlake Chiropractic and Massage Center, we are pleased to offer our patients the option to combine chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy in Seattle. These two treatments align better than you may think and combining them can lead to better—and faster—results.

Our two skilled chiropractors, Dr. Kamell and Dr. Calvin, work alongside our team of highly trained, licensed massage therapists to provide customized treatment plans designed to give each patient the best possible results. Here is what you need to know about how these two kinds of treatments can work together.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are the foundation of chiropractic care. During an adjustment, gentle pressure is used to manipulate the spine to coax it into a healthy position and improve function. Many issues with pain throughout the body can be traced to a spinal misalignment or movement issues that causes irritation of the nerves surrounding the spine, which can then cause pain to radiate throughout the body.

Chiropractic adjustments correct those misalignments, alleviating pressure or irritation of nerves and easing the associated pain. During your first chiropractic appointment, Dr. Kamell or Dr. Calvin will evaluate your symptoms and develop a plan for chiropractic adjustments to address the source of your pain.

Massage Therapy

While chiropractic adjustments focus on the spine, massage therapy focuses on the soft tissues. Massage therapists use kneading and rubbing motions with different levels of pressure to ease pain and speed the healing of muscle injuries. Because massage therapy also releases endorphins, people usually feel lower levels of stress and get better sleep with regular treatment, which further boosts healing.

Combining Chiropractic Adjustment and Massage Therapy

When used together, chiropractic adjustment and massage therapy give patients an effective, comprehensive option for pain relief. Chiropractic adjustment help fix the mechanical issues in the spine that are causing pain, easing current painful symptoms and reducing the risk of them occurring in the future.

Massage therapy enhances healing of soft tissue that has been impacted by spinal misalignment and improves circulation so that healing nutrients can reach the area of injury. This two-pronged approach provides better outcomes in both the short and long term.

Get the Pain Relief You Need Today

Don’t suffer in silence with chronic pain. Make an appointment with Eastlake Chiropractic and Massage Center in Seattle to find out how our combined use of chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy can help you.

Make an appointment using our online form, or call (206) 324-8600 to schedule your consultation.

Posted In: Massage Chiropractic Pain Relief