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Sciatica Treatment with Chiropractic and Massage

Written By Eastlake Chiropractic and Massage Center on March 18, 2023

sciatica treatment

The sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back down each leg, is the largest nerve in the body. When irritated, it is responsible for a condition known as sciatica. Symptoms of sciatica include aches, pain and tingling down the legs that range from mild to severe. The  Seattle chiropractors and massage therapists here at Eastlake Chiropractic and Massage Center offer solutions if you think you are suffering from this condition.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated. This nerve is made up of several nerves in the lower back that meet at the buttocks and then move down each leg, making it the largest nerve in the body and a common cause of back and leg pain for people of all ages. If any of these nerves are ever compressed, pinched, irritated, or inflamed, it can cause mild to severe pain in the lower back, hips, buttocks, or both legs. This is often caused by a herniated or bulging disc that irritates the sciatic nerve, though it can also be caused by other nerve disorders, bad posture, blood clots, and obesity. Numbness and weakness are also frequent symptoms of sciatica.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

If you are suffering from sciatica, Dr. Lincoln Kamell and  Dr. Calvin Mulanax can help you find relief. Chiropractic care is commonly used to treat the symptoms associated with bulging discs, strains, sprains and other musculoskeletal problems. Our chiropractors can perform spinal adjustments that will address these issues and relieve the pain caused by sciatic nerve irritation. Our doctors can also teach you exercises to practice at home that can help you build your core strength and reduce your risk of suffering from sciatica again in the future.

How Can Massage Therapy Help?

Our team of seven licensed massage therapists can also help you find relief from sciatica pain. Tight muscles can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and therapeutic massage helps to relax and loosen the muscles to relieve this pain. Massage therapy is also great for reducing stress and releasing endorphins so you can feel better mentally as well as physically. 

Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment

Are you ready to find relief with chiropractic and massage therapy? Dr. Lincoln Kamell, Dr. Calvin Mulanax and our team of massage therapists can help you on your journey to better health and wellness. You can schedule an appointment online or call us at (206) 324-8600 for more information.

Posted In: Massage Chiropractic Sciatica Treatment Massage Therapy